Development of technology and methods of canonical service

  • Fedina L.V.

    East Ukraine Volodymyr Dahl National University
    Ukraine. Lugansk


One of the main manifestations of social transformation of our era is the revival of the Russian Orthodox Church. There is a restoration of the old and the opening of new parishes, the number swedenborgite. In this regard, the urgent question of clergy ceremonial clothing that can be manufactured in industrial conditions with regard to the growing demand in products of higher quality. The article proposes a method for manufacturing a chasuble, which ensures the fulfillment of the requirements for operational properties of products, the preservation of its stiffness in the cleaning and washing, which significantly prolongs the life of a chasuble; facilitates the connection of the lining of the product and braid, lining misses the seams stripe braid.

Keywords: the phelonion, lining, braid, lining, complete with velcro straps, seam, and the skin.
